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Binary Adaptation Program (BAP)

Annabooks Software, LLC

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Embedded Intel Architecture SX
Software Debug Tool
12/20/96 2:51:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The BAP utility program, for use with SystemSoft BIOSs, is a generic program, invoked from the DOS prompt, used to modify the system BIOS binary image configuration to support the user development board. The BAP can be used with all chipsets supported by the SystemSoft* BIOS. The BAP lets Intel users modify their BIOS without having to purchase expensive BIOS source code or become familiar with BIOS services.
Because every design has a unique chipset configuration, the BAP program operates on two input files; CHIPSET.BAP and CHIPSET.ROM which provide chip-specific information. These input files enable the BAP utility to make the necessary modifications to the system BIOS .ROM (or .BIN) binary image.
These BIOS adaptations may include changes to the Chipset Configuration Register Values. Usage of these configuration values vary from chipset to chipset. The BAP utility provides a convenient way of setting these values without having to go into the source code. With the BAP, Intel users can change CMOS RAM Settings. Users can set fixed and floppy drive parameters from within the BAP utility. The changes made from within the BAP are more permanent (as the settings are saved into the binary image).
The system controls not provided by most setup utilities but made possible by the BAP utility are: Set amount of time Ctrl-Alt-S message appears on screen; Keyboard support enable; PS/2 Mouse support enable; Fatal message suppression; Advanced controller support enable; and Disable floppy check during system boot which is ideal for embedded systems that do not require floppy support.
The BAP disk contains the relevant SystemSoft BIOS binary image and the supporting software; these files will vary based on chipset. The price of the BAP includes 10 licenses.

Tool Features:

  • Set Chipset Register Values

  • Use with all SystemSoft Chipsets

  • Include OEM Messages and Logos

  • Modify BIOS without Source Code

  • Development Platform(s):

    MS-DOS and Windows Compatible Systems

    File Attachments:

    IA2_AN9.PDF - SolutionsIA Catalog Product Listing

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    80386SX - 100ldPQFP
    80486SX - 168ldPGA
    80486SX - 196ldPQFP
    80486SX - 208ldSQFP
    80486SXSF - 176TQFP


    Vendor Information:

    Annabooks Software, LLC

    11838 Bernardo Plaza Court
    San Diego , CA 92128-2414
    (619) 674-6155

    Email :
    Fax : (619) 673-1432
    Toll Free : (800) 690-3870
    BBS : (619) 673-1773
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    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

    * Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation